Acupuncture – Neurogical & Functional

We carry out Neurological and Functional Acupuncture and have achieved outstanding results treating functional conditions as well as providing pain relief associated with other conditions. We treat people with a wide range of illnesses by improving the overall wellbeing of the patient as well as concentrating attention on specific symptoms.

Neurological and Functional Acupuncture involves knowledge of the nervous system, and the application of dry needles. Functional Acupuncture also uses the meridian equipment (type of TENS machine). The techniques use needles at certain defined points to puncture the skin and restore the balance of energy, essential to good health. The needles used are very fine and therefore in most people, with their eyes shut, the needles are barely felt. Even when pain is experienced, it is likely to feel like less than an accidental pin-prick. 

We successfully use Neurological Acupuncture, for the treatment of disorders including: weakened limbs eg. through accidents or post stroke to increase strength and mobility, Bell’s palsy, trigeminal neuralgia, sinusitis, vertigo, hayfever, rhinitis, digestive disorders and bowel conditions including: ulcerative colitis, constipation, gastritis and irritable / incontinent bladder, sickness with pregnancy and as a supplement to infertility treatments.

We successfully use Functional Acupuncture to relieve the pain associated with many conditions including: osteoarthritis, trigeminal neuralgia, other types of neuralgia, sciatica, migraine, general headaches, trapped nerves, sinusitis, facial pain, pain following dental treatment, TMJ pain and any type post-operative pain following surgery.


Hingorani Clinic
5 Brizlincote Lane
DE15 0PR


07831 650 666

01283 566 899

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